Charles Ross
Wilhelmina Swantek Danzig
Married ,
Born 1846, Germany (Austria, said his daughter Emma)
Occupation Boilermaker (Ironworker)
Died 26-DEC-1922, With daughter Mary Hill on a farm west of Cooks
Notes According to ROD, Born Karl Russ or Reiss)
- 4/12/93 Sam had talked to a woman from Newberry (Mrs. Cox):
- Grandpa Charles Ross (called "Charley", but sure it was "Carl") is buried around Cheboygan.
- Charley came to this country from Germany and then his wife died (of which he had one family). He sent to Cheboygan for a woman of which he had another family. She died before him - not sure where she is buried.
From ROD, know he had daughters Emma & Mary alive in 1922
- This Mrs. Cox is Edna Thompson's Daughter, who in turn was a daughter of Art Thompson.
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